Sunday, June 17, 2018

Moar Elfy Goodness!

I'm within striking distance of finishing the first 1000 points of my High Elves for 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I've shifted my list around just a bit which means that I'll need to paint another three or four guys, but its nothing huge.

I finished up the command group for my Swordmasters, so they are pretty much ready to go. I still need to make some
banners for the Archer unit, though.

Over the course of the week, I finished the command section for my Swordmasters, bringing me to three playable units! Then I turned my attentions to a few quick units to finish this weekend. First on deck is a classic Repeater Bolt-thrower. I loved these when I was younger, and I still need to scour eBay for another.

"Hurry up and load! I want to shoot over there!!"
"I know, I know! Shut up Gary!"

Then I cranked out my General at this level - a High Elf Mage. This model was a lot of fun to work on, but I think I still miss some of the old models who are throwing out devil horn gestures. So, it may be back to the Bay of E to hunt for one of them as well.

Surf. Is. Up.

To close out the weekend, I finished up a test model for the final unit in the army - the Ellyrian Reavers. I found these models to be a nightmare to assemble and I know painting them is going to be a slog. I find I usually need to really be "in the mood" for painting cavalry, and I'm regretting saving these until last. But, 1/5 of the way done, I suppose!

So much whiteness...

If I can dig deep and keep working on the cav for the week, I should be able to put a pin in this project by the end of next weekend at the latest. Here's hoping!


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