I knocked off a few projects this week and started a big one as well. A lot of my painting was focused on revisiting my Death Guard army for 40K. I had purchased a second unit of Tox Troopers from Anvil Industries to use as cultists as while back and it was high time that I got them done. These are great little sculpts and are a lot fun to paint up.
This gives me two units of 10 in the army and should form a nice speed bump for blunting assaults. |
I also did some quick scenery work on some 3D printed crystals that I picked up off eBay a few months ago. I gave them coat of teal spray paint and then dry-brushed the up to white along the edges. I should probably pick up a second set, as I had intended them to be used as objective markers in Age of Sigmar - but the kit only comes with 5 models and I need six. Regardless, they will add a nice pop of color on my grey Hell-scape board.
The build lines are pretty atrocious, but I can accept them for crystals and for the fact that they retail for about $12. |
The vast majority of my week was taken up with building a Nurgle-esque Renegade Knight as an ally for my Death Guard. I've added a lot of bits and some putty work to him, and I think its gonna be a model I can really be proud of when all is said and done.
I covered one shoulder pad with a ton of skulls from GW's Skull kit. It was a lot of work, but the effect was really worth it in the end. |
I've replaced the close combat arm with Skaven Plague Engine censor generously given to me by my buddy Rob. I think it really set the tone for the model for me and damn if the spikes on all those chains don't really hurt to handle! |
The head is a 3rd party piece from Shapeways. I added the horn on it so it was a little more Plague Bearer-y in its appearance. |
I mounted the missile launcher on part of an Empire Celestial Hurricanum platform to give the Knight more of an imposing and Gothic feel. I plan to create some billowing smoke clouds coming from the engine stacks and this should be a nice visual counter-balance to the pulpit. |
I managed to paint up the lower half of the Knight this weekend. I'm really happy with how its all heading. |
The tumors on the knight were made by applying expanding insulation foam. After they dried, I smoothed them a bit with some green stuff and sealed them with a coat of white glue before priming. Protip: if you do something like this, put a little foam on some newspaper and use bit of wire to transfer it to the model. DON"T just squirt it onto your kit or it will end in tears. |
This week will probably see me focusing a lot on the Knight, but I think it'll be a while before he's finished up.