After a big project like my
Nurgle Knight, I have a tendency to slow down a bit for a week or two hobby-wise and pick off small projects and this time was no exception. I first returned to my High Elf army and knocked out a couple of extra Lothern Sea Guard models and a Sword Master that I had laying around. These models will just add to the existing units to bulk them out a bit. I actually played a game of 6th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle against my buddy's gorgeous Goblin army, but sadly forgot to take any decent pictures.
The addition of these cats will really help out their units. In our game, my regiments felt
painfully small. |
Then it was a quick trip to Age of Sigmar Land to finish off a character from my Kharadron Overlord collection. This time it was an Aether Khemist, a very useful character model that can buff ranged attacks for nearby units. I have a feeling he and my Grundstok Thunderers will be the very best of friends.
I was literally going for quick and dirty with the paint job on this fella.
I managed to crank him out in about 2 hours. |
This guy has a ton of details, but I just wanted to keep him simple. I think it
helps him feel cohesive with the rest of the army. |
Afterwards, I made an about face and headed back to more Elf-y goodness and completed a second unit of armored Archers and another Bolt Thrower. I think this firepower will really help the army in the long-run.
This should help me dominate the shooting phase and make Orlando Bloom happy. |
I reversed the color placement from the scheme I used on the original unit. This way, each unit feels slightly distinct while still maintaining the feel of the army by using the same colors. |
Finally, I also swung into the world of DIY paper miniatures for my D&D group's latest adventure. We play a super stream-lined version based on the original D&D rules that takes a more narrative "theater of the mind" approach and normally eschews the need for miniatures and maps. This adventure was the culmination of a year-long story arc and would be pretty complex. The characters were attempting to get a hold of a magic hammer and destroy a cursed gem in the midst of a battle between Cthulhu-esque Cultists and undead Dwarves. It was also a lot of fun to quietly do this and pull it all out for the final encounter. Everyone enjoyed it a lot and I was really glad I made the effort.
The intrepid adventures prepare their plan to run the gauntlet and claim the Hammer of Creation from the Temple of Arra. |
All the standees were designed to folded into place.
Also pictured: My tubby mug explaining something. |
The hammer was floating over an altar between two massive statues. It was a simple effect to pull off and really sold the
adventure. |
The evil High Priest and his army of cultists and Deep One allies nearly managed to thwart the
players' efforts, but the forces of Good won out in the end. |
I really enjoyed making these paper-craft items. There is a certain simple charm in them when they are done.
My next "big" project that I'm gearing up for is building a Storm Eagle gunship for my Imperial Fists. Its a lot of work with resin and I feel like I need to mentally prepare for it before jumping in. Wish me luck.