A new Knight, The Corpsegrinder, joins the ranks of the traitorous House Epidemios |
Not too long ago, I was given the new Chaos Knight kit from Games Workshop by my buddy Marky. When the model had been previewed, I was interested but just couldn't justify sinking the cash into another Knight. As Fate would have it though, Marky picked one up and then realized he had little interest in painting it so with a stuttering "Y-y-you sure?" I became the owner of a second mini-titan.
Not one to do things the easy way, I knew I had to convert it a bit to keep in theme with my other House Epidemios units. While I didn't go as crazy as I did on the first Knight, I did end up spending a little cash to get some parts that I thought would really spruce the joint up - so to speak. Additionally, I knew that I wanted this Knight to be primarily anti-infantry as my other Knight was definitely kitted out for busting tanks. So, I grabbed some parts from the first set and worked on making them fit the new one.
Corpsegrinder - Renegade Knight in service to the Plague God. I tried to keep the build simple and still have it fit in with my existing army. |
The head is from the Lord Discordant's mount. The moment I saw it, I knew it had to be the Knight's head. I also added a decal of some Hieronymus Bosch art onto the tilting shield. I think it ties together nicely with the Mona Lisa on the shield of my first Knight, Plague Reaper.
Once again, the left shoulder pad of the Knight is decked out in skulls. Picking a theme and repeating it throughout an army is a great way to tie everything together. |
I kept the back pretty simple. Hopefully, my opponents will only ever see the front! |
Final shot from a slightly different angle. |
Not to be forgotten, I added two more five-man units of Plague Marines to my Death Guard army. The whole group is almost to 200 Power Levels for gaming. Hopefully, I'll take a full army shot when its all done.
Squad Corrosis |
Squad Mortibund |