Monday, June 12, 2017

More Shadow War Terrain!

I don't know that this was what I'd call a "slow" week for me hobby-wise, but I feel like I didn't get much done - mostly because painting terrain usually doesn't involve a lot of fine detail work, I guess. I did manage to get two more of Game Workshop's new Shadow War kits painted up for my buddy Marky, and the whole set together looks pretty crackin', if I might say myself.

The whole kit and kaboodle all ready to go.
I'm pretty happy with how the whole thing ties together.
Spider Skull Cranes make everything better.
These kits really give you the opportunity to put those hazard striping skills to good use. Yay, art school!
I tried keeping a bunch of the elements separate so that we can mix and match our
The Void Shield Generator adds a nice snap of color.
Even elements on the sprue I didn't "use" can still make nice scatter terrain like these hatches and vents.

I'm really loving these kits in a way I didn't expect. They are really so versatile and just look amazing when done. I'm already planning to pick a few more.
