This past week was kind of my first week back in the real hobby world, as opposed to having time off and spending most of it painting. As a result, it was more about finishing things up than anything else, but I managed to get a lot of projects off my painting table and into a cabinet or case.
First up was finishing the Plagueburst Crawler. I was super close to finishing last week, but couldn't quite make it. But here it is in all its glory(?).
Fun. Easy build. I am trying to resist adding another to this army. |
As I was building this, I was having flash-backs to 20 some odd years ago and assembling Leman Russ tanks and Chimeras. GW has learned a LOT in how to make construction of the track sections easy and fun as compared to the old days. |
Standing by to deliver the BOOM. |
Also really close to done was my Inquisitor kit-bash, Serevina Krauss - Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos. I finished up her scanner and then threw her on a resin base I had left over from my Deathwatch: Overkill project.
Tireless hunter of alien filth, Serevinus brings the Emperor's Light
to every corner of the galaxy. |
And this is her backpack. |
At the beginning of the week I had also gotten in a bunker from the Wall of Martyrs line. I guess GW "found" some old stock and was selling it direct. It came in a bag with no instructions, but it was pretty easy to figure out how to build it. After assembly, it was a quick prime of black and then a spray of gunmetal and I was off to the races.
"Push the dead to the outside, Trooper Smythe! Its starting to smell in here!" |
I left the footings off the side doors so it will connect with the wall sets
from the Wall of Martyrs kit. |
Its a neat little kit and looks great from any angle. Definitely a great starter
bunker for any young Astra Militarum couple just starting out. |
I also polished off my second Foetid Bloat Drone for my Death Guard. After doing the first one, I learned to build and undercoat this one in sub-assemblies which cut the painting time in half.
Bzzzzzz. Wrong Number. |
I know a lot of people would convert the second drone, but I really enjoy the regimented look of the same models. I dunno, must be why I like painting Napoleonic stuff as well. |
Over on Twitter, I've been participating in #hobbystreak (at least 30min of hobby a day, see how long your can get your streak to go) and I finally missed a day after Day 63. But, having done something paint-related everyday for 2 months I think I earned a night out of drinks with a friend. I'm not sure I'm going to track it again, but the next day I was working on the Bloat Drone so I'm not ready to rest on my laurels just yet.
Next up is some Imperial Fist stuff to bring my Heresy army to 2k pts.