Monday, January 1, 2018

Death Guard Are Shambling Into the New Year

I had a nice little winter vacation and I managed to get a ton of painting done on my Death Guard. I'm at about 50ish Power Levels right now (man, I can't wait till they just start calling them Points and get rid of the old system…) and I've still got another Bloat Drone and a Plagueburst Crawler on the way. Here's what a week of being a painting hermit got me:

First up were the Tox Trooper by Anvil Industries. I'm using these guys as Cultists in my army. They are 3 piece resin models and painted up like a dream!
Next up was Squad Festus, the first unit of Plague Marines. I opted to make them 5 man units when I ordered a set of the Easy-Build guys which came in a box of 3. 
Squad Poulox was the next in line. For "Easy-Build" models, these guys came in as many pieces as the Dark Imperium set. I guess just adding posts and not needing glue makes them easy. Still, nice kits and putting a sarge, a basic trooper and a special weapon guy in there to make two squads out of what I had was greatly appreciated.

With the troops all out of the way, I was able to focus on my Lord of Contagion -
Enoch Globulus, Master of the 14th Company. This model is crawling (literally) with
detail and was a joy to paint! I loved every second of it.
Here's a line up of the characters - Vermix Toadbreath, Malignant Plaguecaster; Enoch Globulus, Lord of Contagion, and Romulus Scrotox, the Noxious Blightbringer.
Finally, I finished up Bzzz Blightyear the Foetid Blight Drone. He was a lot of fun to paint;
but I should have tackled him in more sub-assemblies. I plan to do that on a second Drone,
so live and learn I guess.


So all my Death Guard models from the Dark Imperium set are now done. I'll take some army shots once I add a few further units. Then, I think its onto Necromunda stuff and a few last odds and ends for my Imperial Fists Heresy Era stuff. 

Over the last year, it looks like I painted some 220ish models (not including scenery) for various projects. This is both very cool and very sad. :)  Hope I can at least equal that amount in 2018!

Cheers and Happy New Year!


  1. Congratulations! 220 is an impressive achievement - I think I may feel a similar way about my total, happy that I painted so many, but sad because it’ll take me three decades to paint my stuff :)
