Saturday, December 23, 2017

'Twas the Knight Before Christmas

"T'was the night before Christmas, and all through House Krast
not an engine was stirring in the forge world so vast,
The Princeps were snug in their MIU sarcophagi 
dreaming of war and ordering Moderati.

I in my kerchief and the Forge Master in his wrap,
had just settled down for a long winter's nap.
When up on the orbiting PDF platform, there arose such a clatter;
I ran to the vox caster to see what was the matter. 

A searing Lance beam burst gantry, ladder and boiler;
I knew at once, it was Abbadon -  the Despoiler.
I heard him cry out "On Mayhem! On Murder! For Horus!"
As "Blood For the Blood God!" rang out in chorus.

"Fire up the reactors at once!", I criedAs the Machine Spirit activated in the heart of the hive.
The Knights strode for forth, ready to drive.

With rocket, with chainsword, and one huge gun; 
The Knight slew heretics by the ton. 

"No fair! That's OP!" Abbadon swore. 
Did he forget that in the 41st Millennium there is ONLY WAR?

With Void Shields flickering,the traitor's asses it was kicking.
The Black Legion fled, 
taking a few of their dead,
and I swore as he left, I heard Abbadon exclaim -
"Just wait till I get my own Knight, and then you'll feel pain!"

I just finished up another Knight for my buddy Chris, in payment for him generously giving me the terrain from his Shadow War set. Oddly, he wanted pretty much the same build and paint job I gave to the knight I'd previously painted for my buddy Marky. As always, a fun kit and paint job.

Happy Holidays to all!


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