Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Great Hobbycation of 2017

So this year I took an extra three days off during the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. I stayed home for 9 glorious days of sleeping in, hanging out with the dog, gaming with friends and painting models. Tomorrow I head back to the real world, but I have one night of painting left in me. Its been fantastic.

This "Hobbycation" has also coincided with a neat little hashtag on Twitter called #Hobbystreak. The goal is to do at least 30 minutes of hobbying a day, share your results, and see how many consecutive days you can string together. Its meant to motivate you on projects, inspire others and make taking time out for doing something you like a priority. So far, I've managed to get 18 consecutive days in! I'm aiming for 20. Wish me luck!

In the meantime, here's what I've accomplished over 9 days of pure hobby time!

In preparation for the release of Necromunda, I started on some Sector Mechanicus
kits I was sitting on.
I've managed to create a system to paint this stuff up really quickly.
A squadron of French ships-of-the-Line guards this platform under construction.
You all saw this jabroni last week, but I finished him on the
first day of my vacation.
This thing beats the hell out of the granaries I scratch built out of Quaker Oats tubs when
I was in college.

This is now the 4th skull crane I've done. I should put that on a resume.
I cannot wait for some hot sweaty Gangwar action on this badboy!
I added a third Contemptor to form a Talon in my Horus Heresy army.
God help me, I tried Shadespire and liked it. I'm 3/4s of the way through the Orruk war band.
I used these guys as an excuse to experiment with a
different skin tone. I didn't want to paint green for the
millionth time.
The chance to make comments in a dopey Bane voice makes this guy totally worth
having in any war band.
He likes to bash things. That's his thing. Apparently. 

I finished 10 more Poxwalkers, completing the whole 20 in the Dark Imperium kit.
I set about making a custom conversion from my Inquisitor Greyfax model. I have lots of plans for this gal.

Its been quite an adventure. I'm sure some people would consider my Hobbycation a living Hell, but for me its been Heaven and really great way to recharge. I may have to do this again next year!


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