Monday, September 2, 2019

House Epidemios Armigers

Hail, hail! The Gang is all here!
This week, I built and painted a third Armiger War Dog for my Death Guard army. I've realized that my force has struggled with fighting armored units in the past, and leaning into some support in the form of some Armigers will probably help mitigate that deficiency a bit. Plus, in terms of simple math - a third Armiger brings me to 200 Power Levels for my Death Guard and their allies.

I've tried to make each Armiger unique in silhouette, and for this one I decided to remove the arms
and move the weapons to a top mount. 
As usual, the GW Skull kit was amply raided to add a new head and plenty of trophies
across the hull.
Hopefully, the auto cannons on this version will give me real long range punch and allow some
more variety in the units that I choose.

I think completing this unit will let me put a bit of a pin in my Death Guard army for a while. I'd like to play some more Apocalypse games with it, as well as maybe some narrative 40k games. I'm in the midst of choosing my next big miniatures project, and there are some excellent Imperial Roman model by Victrix that have been languishing in my "To Do" pile for way too long. 


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